Bells Beach Surf Map, from Torquay to Point Addis

Bells Beach Surf Map, from Torquay to Point Addis

from $159.00

Large 1010 x 541 $546

Small 500 x 250mm $159

Surf spots include: Fisho’s, Supertubes, Draino’s, Torquay Beach, Torquay Point, Haystacks, Jan Juc Beach, Bird Rock, Sparrows, Calders, Steps, Evo’s, Boobs, Winkipop Uppers and Lowers, Bells Beach, Rincon, Centreside, Southside, Jarosites, Addiscot Beach, Pixies, Point Addis.

The original artwork was completed in September 2011, using artists acrylic and ink on paper. Dimensions: 700 x 350mm.

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